Friday, January 12, 2007

The Stage of Mobility / Smart WiFi

MIMO and Beamforming - BOTH is better!

The Navini solution delivers on the vision of 802.16e today and offers a seamless software upgrade to the mobile WiMAX standard. The total cost of ownership is significantly less than DSL, Cable and other first generation wireless broadband offerings, and with our smart beamforming technology and our plug-and-play activation capabilities, it is truly a personal broadband experience.

Navini's Smart WiMAX™ is the combination of mobile WiMAX with beamformed MIMO and smart beamforming, which is critical for personal broadband.

Even when the technology is working properly, wireless access is not as swift as that provided by high-speed wired connections to the Internet, such as digital subscriber line (DSL) or cable modem links, for example. Radio signals cannot hope to match the transmission speeds that copper wires or fiber-optic cables make possible. Nor can Wi-Fi, or other wireless technologies that rely on radio, supply the same degree of security; the transmissions can be intercepted by nearby radio receivers.

Many of these problems were evident even in 1993, when I led a team at Carnegie Mellon University to build Wireless Andrew, the first large-scale wireless local-area network (LAN) and a precursor to today's Wi-Fi networks. Completed in 1999, Wireless Andrew now connects the entire campus [see "Terrestrial Wireless Networks," by Alex Hills; Scientific American, April 1998].